Well, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, but life has been a little crazy over the past couple weeks. We moved on the weekend of Jan. 23, and that was extremely stressful and taxing. Trying to get everything packed and moved and cleaned in just 3 days was a bit much, and who knew I had all the crap anyway?? It's easy to put things in a corner and forget about them, but boy when it comes time to pack and move them... *shaking head*.
Anywho, in addition to the stress of moving, I've had to deal with major, MAJOR stress at work. I won't go into detail here, but let's just say that the saying "Be careful what you wish for..." never HAD so much meaning for me until last week! But, in the midst of all this I've managed to get back on track and keep this train moving in the right direction. I must say that during the weekend (and the few days prior) of moving and last week with work stress, I didn't pay nearly as much attention to what I ate. I also didn't make it to the gym as much as I should have, though the bad weather played a hand in that, as well.
But, I've still seen some (slow) progress, so I won't complain too much. Some of that progress has come in the form of food choices. Now, people who know me know that I have NEVER liked broccoli. Ever. I would occasionally pick at it if it came with a stir fry or something and was covered in some sort of sauce. But that's about it. Well, last night, I actually made broccoli for dinner.... and ATE it! For me, that is a HUGE deal. I won't say I enjoyed the experience, but it wasn't too bad. I hope to get to the point where I can incorporate it regularly into my meals, and use it to replace other starchy vegetables that I'm known to eat (corn and peas, mostly).
So, my victory is not a huge weight loss, or mastering a difficult workout... but it's just as important to ME as either of those things, and just as worth celebrating. :)