Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So, as you know, I've talked about how I've wanted a Wii Fit, but being that they are incredibly hard to find, I hadn't been able to find one.... until NOW!!! Yay!! On Sunday, I arrived at Best Buy very early and was the first car in the parking lot. They had advertised in the Sunday circular (which I picked up on Saturday) that they would have them. By the time they opened, there were about 15 people behind me... and I was FIRST! Store employees came out around 10:45am (they opened at 11am) and handed out tickets for the Fit. Several people in the back of the line (much to their chagrin) did NOT get a ticket, and therefore were not going to be blessed with a Fit that day (at least not from THAT store).

Anyway, I finally got a Wii Fit!!!!! But I'm a bit ashamed to say that I have yet to even take it out of the box.... *slinking away guiltily*

Ok... ok... before you start in on me, I should explain a few things about myself... First, I have Lupus. Now, for any House fans out there, you should know that Lupus is a REAL disease, and a very serious one, at that. The short definition is that Lupus causes the body to attack itself (joints, organs, blood vessels, etc). It can manifest in many ways, and no case of Lupus is exactly the same from patient to patient. For me, the biggest problems Lupus causes are joint pain, fatigue, "brain fog", and photosensitivity. (For more information on Lupus, visit: http://www.lupus.org.)

Anyway, I have been having a major bout of fatigue and joint pain over the past few days, and I just haven't had the energy to try it out. I hope to be feeling better soon so I can try it out and give a full report.